Green Buildings and Practices

Having spoken to thousands of people about Green Buildings, the most common question I hear is, “What is green?”
The course, therefore, teaches agents how to answer that question intelligently, and how to incorporate green building products into their real estate practice.
Course Packages & Registration
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This course covers all 4 sessions, which can be taken in ANY ORDER. If you cannot come to a session, you can take that session next time it is offered. |
Course Topics
What is a “green” building?
- Green certification
- Use of green standards, LEED, Energy Star, etc.
- NYS planning & support of green initiatives
- Relationship of green design to local design codes
Green Design is different
- Design concepts
- Computer modeling - Energy 10, DOE 2, LEED
- Case study
- Step by step design of a green apartment building compared to a conventional one; non-technology solutions
- Local sources
- Interior finishes & design
- How materials affect air quality, mold, etc.
- Plumbing, drainage, water reclamation
- Electrical power; how to measure kWh
- Future of technologies - for example, new solar production & storage techniques, hydrogen delivery, etc.
Day 2 Understanding LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)
LEED Procedures
- What LEED is and the LEED rating system product portfolio
- Why certify?
- Steps to becoming a LEED AP; the LEED test
- Project registration, fee structures, submittal phases and formats
- Templates
- CIRs, Appeals
- Final review, acceptance, LEED plaque
Sustainable Sites
- Site Selection
- Brownfield Redevelopment
- Site Development, Habitat & Open Space
Water Efficiency Points
- Innovative Wastewater Technologies
- Water Use Reduction
Energy & Atmosphere
- Green Power
Materials & Resources
- Building Reuse
- Regional Materials
- Rapidly Renewable Materials
Indoor Air Quality
- Minimum IAQ Performance
- Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring
- Increased Ventilation
- Construction IAQ Management
- Low-Emitting Materials, Adhesives, Paints, Carpets, Agrifibers
- Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control
- Controllability of Systems, Lighting & Thermal Comfort
- Thermal Comfort, Design & Verification
- Daylight & Views
Innovation and Design Process
- Innovation in Design, and Exemplary Performance
- LEED® Accredited Professional
Day 3 - Fair Housing, History, Finance
Fair Housing Concepts
- Brokerage practices
- Megan’s Law
- What are broker’s responsibilities? Law of Agency
- Databases, websites, school boards
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
- How this compares with Fair Housing Act
Federal Laws, NY State Legislation and Local Laws
- How do brokers uphold the law?
- What are consequences to landlords, brokers, journals, etc. if they break the law?
- Coops and condos
- Section 8 and local laws
Fair Housing Today
- Are steering, blockbusting and redlining still alive?
- Famous controversies and trials in the news (Craigslist, Fresh Direct, State banking regs)
- “New” protected groups?
- The new presidency
Fair Housing and Green
- Is there a green profile?
- Is green elitist? Only for the rich? 80-20 in green buildings, affordable green buildings
- Fair Housing Poster - “it’s ok to consider color…as long as it’s green”
- Do green practices intrude on culture?
- Green as a social movement
History of Green Architecture
- How the philosophy came about
- Examples of Green Buildings
- Slide show of NY State Green buildings
Finance: How Much Green Can I Save?
- Do green buildings cost more?
- Market value of “green”
- Comments from top developers - Larry Silverstein, Joseph Moinian, Sheldrake Org. etc.
Funding mechanisms for green buildings
- Incentive programs
- Tax advantages of building green
- Green mortgages
- NY State Programs, NYSERDA, Green building tax credits
- Local green policies in NY State Cities
- How to fill out State and Federal forms
- Most popular green programs, how they work, where to get more info
How Real Estate Professionals can benefit by understanding Green
- Who buys green & why
- How to explain green building features
- What market studies show (NY Times, Co-star, other studies)
- How to market green
- Financial incentives for renters and buyers
Getting involved
- How to visit a green building
- Where to get more info
- Measures you can take in your community, neighborhood, apartment building
- Networking and joining groups - US Green Buildings Council, AIA, Online Green Groups, etc.
- Informational on upcoming green events and lectures
- Broker certifications such as eco-broker, GreenEstate, etc.